Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Networking in Boston

The environment we live in is so competitive, that there is no time to stop and look around for a moment, and look with a clear sight, free from intensified socioeconomic expectations. With this kind of lifestyle our communities need to find a safe way out -- the ability to switch into a completely different mode, where there are no harsh expectations but just basic human connection. This competitive society created technological advancements in such an excess that it steals from us our own natural human experience, but fortunately, the same advancements can help to find a way out: out of the internet and out of the bleached square. 

The way some of the online communities work is very convenient. For example, meetup.com has a lot of potential to resolve the problem of isolation that the modern lifestyle creates. All that is required is simply to enter a key word -- a point of your interest --  into the search box and it provides the list of groups with similar interests. So far I found several hiking groups in Boston area, figure drawing groups, foreign language practice groups, cooking, and abundant amount of other groups with few or many members. The great thing about it is that even if one cannot find a group of his/her interest, it is easy to create an own group and start initiating meet-ups. 

The meetup portal was launched in 2001, but I just recently started using it because of my sudden urge to add some flavor to my lifestyle by having new experience in recreational and artistic environment, and among new individuals.


  1. I just read your blog's and enjoyed them both. I had to laugh at the comment on "Networking in Boston" about technological advancements that "steals from us our own natural human experience".
    This is my first online course at UMB and I've had similar thoughts that raise the question, "what are we potentially losing without the human interaction?" I do miss it, but I think it will cause us to be stronger in how we use our words to interact.

  2. I knew the internet could help people find love connections but I never knew that places like meetup.com existed! This is a great idea to add people into your life that have common interests which you would not meet otherwise!
